The Shack, Saipan i Saipan

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Beach Road, 96950, Saipan, MP Islas Marianas del Norte
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-235-7422
Latitude: 15.167546, Longitude: 145.709642
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Kommentar 5

  • Sam Kleyn

    Sam Kleyn


    GREAT food and GREAT experience. Staff is extremely friendly. Definitely coming back here while on the island!

  • 남궁호



    사이판에 잘 어울리는 코지한 분위기. 음식이 입에 맞는지 물어보는 친절한 쉐프와 종업원. 오늘의 요리(3가지 중 1 선택 가능)와 스무디는 최고. 착한 가격은 덤.

  • leo spott

    leo spott


    A local place that successfully has built a relaxed, high service, and quality food restaurant. For breakfast they have an assortment of crepes and bowls. For me it is all about the King crepe (local bananas and peanut butter) and the breakfast bowl (local bananas, granola, homemade coconut milk,honey, and cinnamon). It is small and always is busy but that is because it is good.

  • 엄영선Ashley Youngsun Eom

    엄영선Ashley Youngsun Eom


    We went to Shack for lunch on Sunday April 1. We were a bit tight to have lunch and catch the flight to leave Saipan, as we had made unsuccessful trips to 2 restaurants already. They were closed. When we opened the door of Shack, the 3rd restaurant, I was happy thinking that it was open. To my disappointment, Glen came and told me that the restaurant was closed for the family Easter Sunday lunch. But, then, he so kindly invited us all (we were a group of 6!) to the family lunch. We were all deeply touched by the warmth of Glen, his mom Gloria, a wonderful lady, and all the family members we had a chance to talk to. It was a very special experience. Shack is the best spot in Saipan. Now we have a good reason to go back.

  • LaBotte



    Like the place a lot. Staff is friendly and amazing... Awesome energy taking place here. Food was delicious and yummy shakes also. I'll go back a few more times before I leave 'The Island' for certain. "I LOVE THESE GUYS"!

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Winchell's Donuts

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