Sunshine Cafe i Garapan

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Coral Tree Avenue, 96950, Garapan, MP Mariany Północne
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-233-8300
Latitude: 15.2131024, Longitude: 145.7168432
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Kommentar 5

  • Edwin Tenorio

    Edwin Tenorio


    Great food great service best new restaurant to dine.

  • Andrew Karnowski

    Andrew Karnowski


    The first time I ate here it was decent food, slightly overpriced. I went in last week on the hunt for cheesecake, and it has turned into the cafeteria for the casino... I wouldn't bother wasting your time to go here.

  • Robert Park

    Robert Park


    피에스타 호텔 출구 앞에서 찾으시면 좋을 듯 싶어요. 서민적인 분위기에 카페이고, 널은 홀의 분위기를 가졌습니다. 다만 주방이 독립적인 공간이 아니다 보니 조리시 음식 냄새가 홀안으로 퍼진다는 문제가 있더군요.

  • Lucy Pangelinan

    Lucy Pangelinan


    Look like your drinking coffee and dessert in a sophisticated venue (before). They've recently converted the place into cafeteria-style chairs and tables. No more beautiful comfy couches. Coffee average and miserly little.

  • Shyanne Gabel

    Shyanne Gabel


    I want to like this place, as I appreciate the decor and ambiance. However, each time I have come here, my fiance and I have both had our coffees burnt on top of a very long wait. I don't think it's necessarily the employees fault, as they seem short staffed. Definitely feel there is room for improvement, and this place could be a great cafe.

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