Poki Yaki i Garapan

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Garapan, Saipan 96950, CNMI
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-233-9254
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: 15.1956332, Longitude: 145.7204126
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Kommentar 5

  • Mimi Younghwa

    Mimi Younghwa


    I’ve tried here two times before. First one was Cali bawl(w brown rice), and this time i tried to make my custom order poki bawl with green mixed. When it came with rice, I was not satisfied with it. Because im already used to Pokirrito in San Diego. And they have much better poki rice bawl. But my own one made me love the bowl. I just put every topping including avocado on the spicy tuna bawl. And it was good.

  • leo spott

    leo spott


    The best way to describe it is as the island’s version of Chipotle. Instead of chicken or pork it is super tasty fish! Really awesome!

  • Eunice Ogumoro

    Eunice Ogumoro


    Guest service wasn't so over the top. First time to Poki Yaki, the lady explained the different selections and how to make a poki bowl waay to fast, I couldn't understand wth she was saying. It's better to read the steps than to ask. So I did that anyway. It was simple. The food was delicious. As a poki lover, they have a good combination of the mixtures that you can select from. The mayo sauce was fantastic! Although it was spicy.

  • Sean Sartler

    Sean Sartler


    The food is good if you like raw fish. I do and so I didn't really have a problem with that. My main issue is that what you get for the price seems to be off. You are going to pay a minimum of $9-10 for a bowl that will mainly be rice. Plus I've gotten some of their cooked bowls and sometimes the meat is very dry. You can get a beef bowl similar to what they serve for half the price elsewhere.

  • Faycal El Karaa

    Faycal El Karaa


    Great Japanese food bowls. It's fresh tasty and the right size. Very friendly staff. I highly recommend it.

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