Pizza Hut i Saipan

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Gualo Rai Commercial Center, Middle Road, Saipan, MP 96950, CNMI
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-235-9333
Latitude: 15.1884297, Longitude: 145.7199991
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Kommentar 5

  • Leticia Mario

    Leticia Mario


    I normally dont do ratings but I am very disappointed in the service. I waited 3 hours for a dinner box. When the delivery lady was asking me for directions, she frustratedly TOLD me what store to go to to get my order then showed up to a completely different store and pizza hut had to call me to tell me where she was. Upon receiving the pizza, the lady was rushing and it was rude considering we tried to be so patient for this one box that took THREE HOURS for her to deliver. The pizza was COLD. My pasta was so dry it was kind of hard. The breadsticks were very stale. The cheese on my pizza was cold and hard and it felt old. The sauce in the pizza felt dry. I pulled a chicken off of the pizza and under it was just dry bread. I wasted money. Nothing tasted good. And I can eat almost anything. You have failed, Pizza Hut

  • Phillip Park

    Phillip Park


    Called several times, as no one answered each call, I went to the store itself and to my disbelief the store wasn't even busy. Tried calling outside the store and see what happens. Wait/Staff just standing there talking to another staff/ then playing with her own phone. Disgusted by the integrity of the staff.

  • Andrew Karnowski

    Andrew Karnowski


    Ate inside the restaurant once; service was slow, I expected the island prices... however pizza size also seems reduced on top of the price increase. I heard horror stories about delivery from here but decided to try it tonight to avoid the rain... "sorry sir, we're too busy" guess they don't want or need my business

  • Winston Posegate

    Winston Posegate


    Try the rest, but come back here for the best! Great pizza, fresh brownie and cookie pies, etc. Always a bargain when you order two pizzas. :-P

  • commonwealth health center cnmi laboratory

    commonwealth health center cnmi laboratory


    When you call in an order make sure to tell them you want WELL DONE. They have been serving pizza that is RAW and UNCOOKED in the middle.

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