Paris Croissant & Cafe i Garapan

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Paseo De Marianas, 96950, Garapan, MP Northern Mariana Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-233-9292
Latitude: 15.2132762, Longitude: 145.7193575
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Kommentar 5

  • 荻野裕規



    Snow ice was very yummy! Both of adults and kids are happy with its taste and size. Next day we tried a special one (big, with icecream and sliced orange)

  • Allison Miller Simonds

    Allison Miller Simonds


    Impressed by the selection of pastries they had, all made in store. They were primarily vegetarian, though I’d guess not vegan. A good selection of drinks, both the coffee and lattes you’d expect from a regular coffee shop, plus bubble teas. Everything I tried there was delicious.

  • Luke Simonds

    Luke Simonds


    Great selection of pastries, mostly made in store. Teas and other cold drinks are excellent, but coffee could be better.

  • LaBotte



    If you want something sweet, they got it. Nice energy, good wifi.

  • Kero Dawie

    Kero Dawie


    Oooh~ good place! If you want some romantic, lively, kpop, or even classic music, they got one! The interior has also this chic presence and they got delicious breads and cakes!

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Beach Road, Garapan, Saipan MP 96950
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