Mount Tapochau i Saipan

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Saipan 96950, CNMI
Kontakter telefon: +1-670
Latitude: 15.1871021, Longitude: 145.7432577
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Kommentar 5

  • Billy Lam

    Billy Lam


    Highest mountain on Island

  • Sarah Fryling

    Sarah Fryling


    This is a spectacular land mark, from which you can see the whole island of Saipan. The road up to the lookout is terrible, and four- wheel drive is a must. The top lookout area is relatively well cared for, but I would not recommended high heels for the trek to the end of the pathway on top of the mountain. Great for sunrise and sunset views.

  • byengsang jung

    byengsang jung


    사이판에 꼭 한번은 가봐야 하는곳. 친절한 가이드를 만나면 사이판의 역사와 타포차우산이 왜 세계에서 제일 높은산인지를 알수 있는게됨. 사이판 전체를 볼수 있는곳.

  • Wade T

    Wade T


    You can see it all - if you can make it to the top. Need four wheel drive

  • Jade Phoenix

    Jade Phoenix


    4-stars because the view is AMAZING.... BUT... the road up to the peak is HORRENDOUS. There are road signs which point you in the correct direction, although you can only see them from one direction, so you may have to look behind you at the street signs. The road up to Mount Tapochau is all dirt... loose gravel... huge chunks of sharp rock... massive potholes... deep ravines that look like water has come down over the years and swept away large areas of the dirt road. It's extremely treacherous. I do not recommend driving up there in anything less than a 4-wheeler / SUV. We tried it in a sedan and nearly punctured a tire and scraped the underside of the vehicle... in some areas the incline was so steep and the gravel as so loose that we almost couldn't gain any traction; the road was so bad we had to stop a few hundred feet away from the top and hike the rest of the way. Beyond that - the view IS TOTALLY WORTH IT. You can see two other islands from the top (one is Tinian, the other I'm unsure of). You can see the entire island. There are informational posts you can read, which are very interesting.

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