Micro Beach Hotel i Garapan

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Coral Tree Avenue, 96950, Garapan, MP Northern Mariana Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1-670
Hjemmeside: www.saipan.tours
Latitude: 15.2153027, Longitude: 145.7184685
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Kommentar 5

  • Hara Jeong

    Hara Jeong


    No Wi-Fi No hot water No shampoo Nothing provided it is NOT hotel

  • ki chul ahn

    ki chul ahn


    Beautiful and clean &Have great place with Kids

  • Billy Grow

    Billy Grow


    If you need a place to sleep after a night out but don't feel like paying a lot of money for a hotel room this is the place to go.

  • Seong Hyeon Park

    Seong Hyeon Park


    Hotel??? No... I don't think so, It just small room for sleep. No more, no less. If you choose this hotel with any reason (mostly price). U gonna be regret. Just like me. it just NOT review. This is an warning. That amazing room will give U many bugs for free! & broken shower tap also!

  • Chris Perrien

    Chris Perrien


    It has been a few years , well the Hotel is just a place to sleep. it ain't much. Kinda dumpy. The shower water was brackish. However the best hotel and beach is across the street. Stay at Micro and then buy a daily spa/pool pass at the Hyatt(same as being guest at Hyatt) party on the Beach at the Hyatt and sleep at Micro. Garapan is right there, and kinds of bars and restaurants and street food. Cheapest way to do Saipan. Rent a car at Hyatt too Be careful of various charges if they try to charge you Japanese level. Check all Hotels' info for entertainment, surprising what you may see. Go snorkel at the Groto. Make friends and getaway from the "Japanese" pricing and perhaps find a local place to hang. English is at least partially understood by most ,everywhere on island

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