Joeten Superstore i Oleai

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Roong Lane, 96950, Oleai, MP Mariany Północne
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-234-2678
Latitude: 15.1714013, Longitude: 145.7139445
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Kommentar 5

  • Juanita Leon Guerrero

    Juanita Leon Guerrero


    This Costco like many have a small eatery, they are usually temporarily out of items on their menu. Always call to find out if what you want is in stock. There is also a 20-30 mim wait for orders like churro sticks. Don't expect amazing customer service either. I was there with my neice lined up for 12 minutes to find out they are temporarily out of churro sticks. Without an apology, accompanied with an I dont care atitude from the young cashier you could imagine my frustration. Hope the young lady has a brighter future that isn't in customer service.

  • Shar Crisostimo

    Shar Crisostimo


    Helpful staff and quick line waiting time.

  • arthur sondheim

    arthur sondheim


    Good selection of products, but one manager in particular does not come through for reordering items that sell out quickly. Prices much higher than online or other stores. They hire local people, which is a plus.

  • RIDE



    우리나라로 치면 코스트코 같은곳. 대형마트이고, 가격 나쁘지 않음. 마카다미안은 여기서 사는게 제일 저렴.

  • Luke Simonds

    Luke Simonds


    Great selection of things you can't find elsewhere on Saipan, and decent prices for bulk items. Only downside is that stocking is inconsistent, so you can't count on finding the same item twice in many cases. Still a great place to shop though.

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