Hardt Eye Clinic and Diabetes Education Center i Garapan

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Box 504768 Beach Road Saipan MP MP, Garapan, Saipan 96950, CNMI
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-235-2030
Hjemmeside: hardteyeclinic.com
Latitude: 15.1848735, Longitude: 145.7147688
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Kommentar 5

  • Roman Kasparyan

    Roman Kasparyan


    All good and fast

  • LaReina Camacho

    LaReina Camacho


    Every single visit to Hardt Eye Clinic is SUPERB! The staff are consistently courteous, friendly and professional; making you feel welcome all the time. I have always been accommodated when rescheduling my appointment or when when I request to move up my appointment time 2 hours ahead (due to changes in my my schedule). The doctors are also very professional: explaining my eye health and status with care and understanding, providing various options of taking care of myself and the consequences of poor practices. Their office hours are flexible, allowing them to provide greater service to the community. The wait time between the greeting/checking in and being seen by the technician is approx 5-7 minutes. I also appreciate the email reminder, making it convenient to add the appointment to my google calendar.

  • jerica appleby

    jerica appleby


    Amazing 😄 Strongly recommend having your eye exam at Hardt Eye

  • Everly Pangilinan

    Everly Pangilinan


    Very professional staff. My family has been going to Hardt Eye Clinic for years. Dr. David keeps himself up-to-date with the latest research and shares relevant information with his patients. He takes his time with you. I have a condition where I may need emergency attention. Dr. David has always told me to call him anytime if such an emergency occurs. Great eye clinic. I highly recommend it!

  • Tamara James

    Tamara James


    I am ALWAYS greeted like I am part of the Hardt Eye Clinic family. They treat me with genuine respect and care deeply for my eye health. Thank you Hardt Eye Clinic for all you do for me and for my community!

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