Fiesta Resort and Spa Saipan i Garapan

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Coral Tree Avenue, 96950, Garapan, MP Northern Mariana Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-234-6412
Latitude: 15.214294, Longitude: 145.716562
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Kommentar 5

  • Kaiser Babu

    Kaiser Babu


    Fiesta Resort in Northern Mariana island. Is There most beautiful sunset view beach.

  • nick gustafson

    nick gustafson


    I really like the tiki bar out on the beach. Great service.

  • Scott K

    Scott K


    Fantastic hotel and resort. A little pricey. The pool area and beach are are beautiful. But most fantastic part of all is the staff. You could actually stay in this hotel your whole stay and relax peacefully. And say hello to Louis, pool area supervisor, for me if you visit.

  • Geo Cajucom

    Geo Cajucom


    I went here to go to SeaTouch wherein they let me pet and swim with the stingrays. It was a unique and fun experience. The guides will teach you things about the beautiful creatures and they are friendly and playful.

  • Lynda Hogan

    Lynda Hogan


    Really loved it here. Great location, right on the beach and within walking distance to shopping. We were able to cycle to some of the memorials from here too on rented bikes. There is a market outside the hotel on weekends. Pools are clean. They have a kids pool too. Staff are friendly and helpful. There is entertainment at night both indoors and out, we loved the traditional dance show. There are billiard tables and other facilities in the hotel. Quite reasonably priced for what it is. There is an airport shuttle bus. Stunning sunsets and sun rises.

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