ABC Store i Garapan

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🕗 Åbningstider

Garapan, Saipan 96950, Nördliche Marianen
Kontakter telefon: +1-670
Latitude: 15.2104836, Longitude: 145.7177455
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Kommentar 5

  • 장동진



    10시 넘어가면 술을 못사니까 미리미리 사두시라. 늦게까지하는 좋은마트

  • Gina Reyes

    Gina Reyes


    Friendly service and lots of exclusive items for gift also price is good .

  • here15650



    This was my store of choice and made several trips back during my say. Many bargains for gifts and necessities. A very helpful staff, that dug deep into the stock to satisfy me. They also gave honest and accurate advice on any questions I had.

  • 정유나



    아이러브사이판보다 2달러정도 저렴하고 직원분들이 너무 친절합니다 물건종류는 아이러브사이판이 많습니다. 두 곳다 들려보시는 것을 추천합니다.

  • Rachel Nakauchi

    Rachel Nakauchi


    Very touristy, with prices to match. But they had Dr Bronner's soaps and toothpaste, and natural/organic products are hard to come by in Saipan so I stocked up. Cashier was very sweet, saw me waiting in line behind one other customer and opened her till to ring me up; she also let me use up my change and pay the rest with credit card without any fuss.

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