99 Cents Supermarket i Garapan

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Middle Road, 96950, Garapan, MP Northern Mariana Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-233-0099
Latitude: 15.2094135, Longitude: 145.7217684
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Kommentar 5

  • Jose Panalo Pitmalu

    Jose Panalo Pitmalu


    Was working here as the first supervisor/ purchaser/ accountant of year 2000 😆😆. Store started dec.1999.. still good mr.yoon !

  • Rhico Morales

    Rhico Morales


    I still love this place

  • LaBotte



    Nice staff, very friendly. Produce department is OK and they have about what all the other small markets on the island carry.

  • I. Lee Williamson

    I. Lee Williamson


    7/10 - They're open 24 hours, which is good. They have a slightly better selection than San Jose Mart, which has the same owner and is also 24-hour

  • commonwealth health center cnmi laboratory

    commonwealth health center cnmi laboratory


    I come to this store for the Reverse Osmosis Water Machine. The water is 35 cents per 6 liter container. There are only 4 other stores on Saipan that I know of with with Reverse Osmosis -Water - San Jose Mart, Afetna Mart, STAR Water and one more. These are all a long drive from Garapan. This is close to my work so I come here. 99 cent has a small cafeteria style restaurant to the far right as you are entering. The 2 choice is $6. I like the food there. Other than the restaurant and the water machine, the store selection is typical of all the other small stores on Saipan.

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