United States Postal Service i Saipan

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

1 Chalan Kanoa Vlg, Saipan, MP 96950, CNMI
Kontakter telefon: +1 800-275-8777
Hjemmeside: tools.usps.com
Latitude: 15.145895, Longitude: 145.702016
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Kommentar 5

  • LaBotte



    I've made a few trips here since being on the island. Always busy with people picking up packages. Island life means always waiting on something to arrive I guess. LOL, they do a great job and be ready when they call out for 'yellow slips'!

  • Winston Posegate

    Winston Posegate


    I've had three PACKAGES DISAPPEAR in the last three years after being scanned "DELIVERED to agent," which the postmaster admits does not mean delivered. It means out (available) for delivery (pickup). That leaves room for theft by a USPS employee or other private mailbox agent, as packages sometimes even get delivered to the wrong agent. Agents are not required to sign for each package but rather for a whole batch of packages, and the post office does not allow the customer to see those signatures. The post office does not honor insurance claims when their own records indicate delivery, even when the package did not reach the customer! They do not take proper responsibility for their own faults and failures.

  • Taco Belli

    Taco Belli


    I saw a homeless woman sleeping inside the building on a Saturday when there was no one to kick her out. Fun experience 10/10

  • Andy Wu

    Andy Wu


    Never answer their phone.......

  • Carla Hornisch

    Carla Hornisch



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