Saipan International Airport i I Fadang

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I Fadang, Saipan 96950, CNMI
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-237-6500
Latitude: 15.1197429, Longitude: 145.7282789
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Kommentar 5

  • Mizanur Rahman

    Mizanur Rahman


    Good place

  • Taco Belli

    Taco Belli


    Nothing feels better than leaving this place

  • Jade Phoenix

    Jade Phoenix


    It's small, as you'd expect, so - depending where you're flying in from - you may be on a small plane that taxis in a short distance from the gate and be required to walk down directly out of the plane and around to get to your gate, but the layout inside is fairly sensible. The rental car lobby is directly across from the front entrance of the airport. Flights tend to leave and arrive early.

  • David Hardt

    David Hardt


    Generally good service, not too large so easy and fast to navigate. Needs a better sound system, announcements are impossible to understand

  • Ed Lewis

    Ed Lewis


    Easy to navigate and a friendly staff. The airport is adequate for the island and staffed with a professional crew. It is also a very historic piece of property. Spend some time driving around get some pictures while you are there.

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