I Love Saipan i Oleai

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Oleai, Saipan 96950, CNMI
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-235-3132
Latitude: 15.1724656, Longitude: 145.7175005
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Kommentar 5

  • Bing Apeda

    Bing Apeda


    The price is reasonable

  • C E

    C E


    The clothing section up top is excellent. Is hard to find the clothing items there on island. If you are moving to Saipan it is worth getting to know this place.

  • Andrew McClure

    Andrew McClure


    A good place to find good deals on cloths, house hold nick nacks, small office supplies, and random stuff you never nlknew you needed. I visit here regularly

  • Maribel Casilla

    Maribel Casilla


    Nice and lots of items.. plus the lowest price on the island...

  • chavel green

    chavel green


    Friendly staff, excellent customer service, and trendy clothes for men, women, and children.

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