Godfather's Bar i Garapan

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Palm Street, 96950, Garapan, MP Northern Mariana Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-235-2333
Latitude: 15.2141889, Longitude: 145.719776
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrew Karnowski

    Andrew Karnowski


    The pizza here is amazing, best on the island. However service is usually slow and rude. It's also usually way too busy for my taste. I don't go in too often as a result.

  • Andrew Ashburn

    Andrew Ashburn


    I frequent this establishment. Good drinks!

  • Esther Pinzon-Wyant

    Esther Pinzon-Wyant


    Come here and you're with family, the wonderful thing about a small island is you know you're takn care of by the owners and servers. If anyone harasses you, they're out the door.

  • carlos straus

    carlos straus


    Hotspot in Saipan but just a local dive that serves food. Popular with the locals and one of only a few options in Saipan. Overall not too bad especially on taco Tuesdays.

  • Harry Blalock

    Harry Blalock


    This is the bar where the locals hang out, nothing fancy about it. The band is excellent and plays every night from 9:30 - midnight. The drinks here are reasonably priced and the food is good and affordable.

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