Brabu Pharmacy and Wellness Center i Garapan

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Middle Road, 96950, Garapan, MP Northern Mariana Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-233-2668
Latitude: 15.1980298, Longitude: 145.7195074
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Kommentar 5

  • Sean Sartler

    Sean Sartler


    This is a nice little place. It has a older hippie vibe to it, but don't hold that against them. The people are very friendly and helpful. I always go here rather than PHI even if PHI might be closer.

  • Lucy Pangelinan

    Lucy Pangelinan


    Small but friendly. They have a little bit of everything found in a pharmacy.

  • David Hardt

    David Hardt


    Great people who go out of their way to give good service.

  • Arlene Rabauliman

    Arlene Rabauliman


    They sell the same products as the Hospital's pharmacy at a lower price and accepts more insurance providers too! The best pharmacy on island. Wish they had more establishments to reach our other islands! To be the Best in the CNMI!

  • John Starmer

    John Starmer


    This is more than a Pharmacy, which I suppose is referenced in their including 'Wellness Center' in their name. I have had only positive experiences with Brabu and have found their owners and staff incredibly helpful. If they don't have something in stock, they are willing to special order it and furthermore, don't jack up the cost for it being a special order. I also appreciate their environmentally and socially responsible approach to doing business in the CNMI. Something other companies could learn from. Finally, they are pretty much the only place selling certain products by organic or socially responsible companies like Badger Balms and Tom's Toothpaste. Oh yeah, they also have pet stuff- again a nod to the wellness center concept.

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