Atkins Kroll Toyota i Oleai

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Chalan Monsignor Guerrero, 96950, Oleai, MP Northern Mariana Islands
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-234-5911
Latitude: 15.1705649, Longitude: 145.711391
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Kommentar 5

  • Rommel Cruz

    Rommel Cruz


    Good quality service,friendly staff....

  • Julia Lizama

    Julia Lizama


    The best car dealers on island..

  • Bridget Maratita

    Bridget Maratita


    Dear Kevin Lavarias, I just wanted to take this time to acknowledge how much I'm grateful as a customer to come across such a wonderful hardworking dedicated employee of AK Toyota. From the day we spoke and asked for your guidance and assistance regarding my truck you showed professionalism. Being courteous to me as a customer made it easy to work with you and getting the results I needed was all I could ask for. Thank you so much for working with us from the beginning to the end. The truck looks pristine once again. Calvani DLG/Bridget Maratita

  • Sarah Fryling

    Sarah Fryling


    Excellent service, great quality products, and a variety of options.

  • Harry Blalock

    Harry Blalock


    I bought a new Camry and a new Tacoma pick up this year from Atkins Kroll. My salesperson Liza was great and very helpful, she does her best to take care of all the little details for you. However, I had to have the Camry in the body shop after someone hit us, that was a very disappointing experience. We wound up having to wait nearly 3 months for them to get the parts, I understand that part, but still don't like it. When they finally took our car I dropped it off on a Wednesday, they told me the repairs would take about 4 days. So that meant I should be getting the car back by the following Tuesday. He said worst case scenario I would have it no later than the following Thursday. When I hadn't heard from them by Friday I called to ask about the status of the repairs, the guy I needed to talk to wasn't in, but they said they would have him call back right away. After 4 hours and no return call, I dtove down to the dealership to ask what was going on. They told me they would probably have it done for me on Saturday. Late Saturday afternoon the body shop manager called me to tell me it wasn't done, but I could pick it up before lunch on Monday. I went to pick it up at 1:30 on Monday afternoon. They told me they were just finishing polishing it up. So I sat there waiting for another 30 minutes, only to have the body shop manager come out and tell me it wouldn't be ready for a while so I should just go home and wait. Absolutely hands down, one of the worst service experiences I've ever had!

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