Aquarius Beach Tower Hotel i Chalan Kanoa

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Beach Road, 96950, Chalan Kanoa, MP Mariany Północne
Kontakter telefon: +1 670-235-6025
Latitude: 15.148707, Longitude: 145.700948
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Kommentar 5

  • Kathleen Willsey

    Kathleen Willsey


    We had a wonderful stay at the Aquarius Beach Hotel. Marisel was amazingly helpful throughout our booking process and our stay. Our room was ocean front 3 bedroom which had brand new sofas, washer and dryer, and a fully equipped kitchen. The room was kept spotless by the staff during our 2 week stay. Highly recommend this hotel.

  • The Optional Kind

    The Optional Kind


    The view towards beach road and the actual beach are fairly beautiful. Rooms are nice and spacious for a hotel and some rooms can even have 3 couples occupied the same room number because of the 3 separate bedrooms with in. And every room is air conditions properly. Down side is the kitchen is a little behind on technology and some rooms may need better maintenance than others inside the kitchen and minor stains in the kitchen walls and floor from past guests.

  • Fran Chlarson

    Fran Chlarson


    Great Hotel i stayed at. Has everything fit for the whole family. Righy in front of a beautiful beach.

  • Luke Simonds

    Luke Simonds


    Spacious rooms with full kitchen and easy access to the beach, very much enjoyed my stay. Some minor complaints about the room I had, shower didn't drain well and the kitchen was missing some pots, but that probably doesn't apply to all rooms. Thermostat was also set very cold and could not be changed. Still would highly recommend.

  • Candace Lindow-Davies

    Candace Lindow-Davies


    Incredibly friendly and attentive staff. Great location on a sandy white beach with beautiful views of the sunset over the ocean. Huge rooms with kitchen. Could use an update in carpet and other features.

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